The ultimate guide to being a podcast guest

With low barriers to entry, easy distribution, and monetization possibilities, podcasting has emerged as an important marketing tool for companies looking to spread their message and generate more leads. 

However, not every business owner or entrepreneur has the necessary knowledge, tools, and time to create a podcast. Does this mean the opportunity of using podcasting is out of the question? Absolutely not! This is where being a podcast guest becomes pivotal. 

As Team PodWritten, we’ve created this guide to help you gain a better understanding of being a podcast guest. Let’s jump in.

Why is being a podcast guest important for businesses?

The expansive reach of podcast audiences worldwide makes being a guest a strategic move for businesses—regardless of their size and industry. Here are the compelling reasons why.

  • Establish credibility: Unlike social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, being on podcasts allows you to have a more in-depth conversation about your experience and expertise, enhancing your credibility and authority.
  • Generate new leads: Given that listeners already know and trust the host of their favorite shows, podcast guesting enables companies to connect with new audiences and create a pool of prospective customers for future marketing endeavors.
  • Get backlinks: Once your podcast interview goes live, the host usually provides a backlink to your home page, social media profiles, and other online platforms in the show notes and on their website, strengthening your online visibility.
  • Leverage the host’s social media presence: Podcast guesting opens the door for you to benefit from the host’s often well-established social media reach.
  • Humanize your brand: Through podcast interviews, you can demonstrate that your focus extends beyond financial gain to making a positive impact in the lives of others.
  • Receive the benefits of evergreen content: Podcast episodes have a timeless online shelf life, allowing for the continual acquisition of new leads. 
  • Create different types of content easily: You can repurpose podcast content and create attention-grabbing social media posts, infographics, or audiograms, which helps increase engagement.
  • Boost your networking efforts: Being a podcast guest unlocks opportunities to build meaningful connections with podcast hosts, other guests, and industry experts.

What do you need to know before starting your podcast guesting journey?

If you’re new to the podcasting scene, one common concern might be: “I don’t have an established business or a substantial social media following yet. Can I still be a podcast guest?” The answer is yes. In fact, being a podcast guest can significantly impact the growth of your audience.

Your primary focus must be on understanding your target audience. Who is your business aimed at? What are the problems they are trying to tackle? Answering these questions will enable you to reach out to podcasts that can bring you closer to your ideal customers—a crucial step, especially considering that there are almost 2.7 million podcasts on Apple Podcasts

Second, come up with a unique solution, proposition, or narrative that adds value to the audience of the host. With 33,185,550 small businesses in the US, it’s quite likely that someone is already talking about your topic. Therefore, crafting a different angle will be the differentiator between securing an interview and getting lost in the noise. 

Once you’ve completed these steps, it’s time to start the outreach process. Try to stay away from the mentality of “throw enough mud at the wall, and some of it will stick.” Instead, send out personalized pitches to show the host you’ve listened to an episode, you know what they cover, and explain why you’re a good fit for the show. This tailored strategy will enable you to get better results.

Last but not least, while you may have aspirations of reaching larger shows, it’s wise to take a step-by-step approach. Begin by targeting shows with 10 ratings or less on platforms like Apple Podcasts. Once you feel more comfortable behind the mic, you can advance to shows with 10-20 ratings and work your way up to higher-profile opportunities.

What are the steps of being a podcast guest? 

To provide a structured view, we’ve categorized the stages of being a podcast guest into three sections.

Step 1: Create the connection

Write a personalized pitch: You can start your pitch with sentences like:

  • In your episode with (the guest’s name), you spoke about (something specific that was discussed or mentioned).
  • I really enjoyed your interview with (the guest’s name), particularly when you started exploring (topic—and make sure you’re specific, don’t just take snippets from the show notes).

Following that, delve into what makes you a great fit for the show and what you can bring to the host’s listeners. You should conclude by compiling a list of the topics you want to cover as bullets.

Contact the host: In this step, you need to find the contact information of the host and send out your pitch.

Follow up if necessary: If the response is crickets, you can send a polite follow-up email.

👀Want to 10x your results? Check out our blog: How to get booked as a podcast guest.

Step 2: Get ready for the interview

Schedule the call: Congratulations! The host is excited to have you on the show. Now, you need to coordinate the recording date and time of the recording and discuss any technical requirements.

Provide supporting materials: Make sure to share a detailed press kit or media sheet that includes your bio, headshot, relevant links, and any additional information that the host might need before the call.

Prepare your content: To be a great podcast guest, you must tailor your message to the podcast’s format and audience, ensuring that it aligns with their interests. Added to that, you can sprinkle real-life examples or client stories into the mix to increase engagement and credibility.

Practice what you want to share: By recording and timing yourself, speaking aloud, or conducting mock interviews, you can polish your talking points and feel more confident.

Set up the necessary equipment for recording: You wouldn’t want the host to decide against airing your episode due to poor audio quality. So, ensure you have a good microphone, headphones, and a stable internet connection.

Step 3: Generate value

Promote the episode: After the episode is live, actively promote it. You can:

  • Share the interview with potential customers to demonstrate your expertise.
  • Include the feature on your “Press” or “As Seen In” page on your website to enhance your credibility.
  • Add a link to the episode in your email signature.
  • Write a blog post summarizing the interview’s key takeaways, providing additional value to your audience.

Build a relationship with the host: Maintain a positive connection with the host by leaving a good review on Apple Podcasts, providing access to your content, or offering special deals.

Should you do it internally or work with a podcast booking agency?

The process of booking podcast interviews isn’t rocket science. However, doing it well consumes a significant amount of time since you have to repeat the same steps for every single booking. This is where podcast booking agencies come into play.

At its core, podcast booking agencies like PodWritten bridge the gap between podcast hosts and potential guests. They also deal with writing pitches, sending follow-up emails, scheduling calls, and sharing the necessary information with the host, allowing you to focus on improving your content.

Before deciding whether to handle it yourself or team up with a podcast booking agency, you should answer the following.

Is my time better spent elsewhere? As we’ve already discussed, the process of booking podcasts is pretty time-consuming. That’s why you need to decide how much time you can realistically dedicate to finding the right podcasts, writing personalized pitches, and managing logistics. Take a moment to think: “Can I use this time to improve my product and service or develop business strategies?

Do I understand the podcasting industry and its dynamics? From audience behavior to content trends, the podcasting landscape is constantly changing. Are you ready to adapt your message in sync with these shifts, or do you seek expert assistance and guidance to navigate these new territories effectively?

Do I have the resources to handle podcast bookings internally? Podcast booking agencies have established connections. Are you actively engaged in networking activities within your industry? Do you have a database of potential hosts, including their contact information and details about their podcast?

What is my budget for podcast guest booking? Assess your budget and decide how much you’re willing to invest in podcast guest booking.

FAQs about getting booked as a podcast guest

How do I find podcasts to be a guest on?

Search for podcasts in your niche on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and take a look at suggested podcasts with similar themes. Additionally, you can tap into your existing professional network for valuable recommendations.

What equipment do I need to be a podcast guest?

All you need is a good-quality mic, a pair of headphones, and a stable internet connection!

How can I promote my podcast appearance?

You can promote your podcast interviews in many ways, such as posting them on social media channels, adding a link to the episode in your email signature, using them during a sales pitch, including them on your website, and writing a blog post summarizing the interview’s key takeaways.

How can I build a relationship with the podcast host?

1. Show them you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in providing value to their audience.
2. After the podcast episode, send a personalized thank-you email expressing gratitude and highlighting what you enjoyed during the call.
3. Share exclusive insights related to your expertise, making the host feel valued.
4. Find common interests beyond podcasting—be it shared hobbies, books, or experiences, to create more personal connections.
5. Follow and engage with them on social media.
6. Leave positive reviews for the podcast on Apple Podcasts.

How can I track the ROI of my podcast interviews?

1. Create unique landing pages for each podcast appearance with specific calls to action. 
2. Provide exclusive promo codes or custom URLs during podcast interviews. Track the usage of these codes or URLs to measure the direct impact on sales or conversions.
3. Monitor social media platforms for engagement related to your podcast appearances. Look for increases in followers, likes, shares, and comments.
Implement customer surveys to find out how customers discovered your brand.

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